Health Savings Account: HealthEquity

Plan Features

Everything You’ll Need to Know

HealthEquity is available to employees enrolled in the BlueOption 05192/05193 medical plan.

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged savings account for qualified healthcare expenses. You own your HSA and can contribute to it with pre-tax payroll deductions based on your needs. Money withdrawn from an HSA isn’t taxed, provided you use it for qualified healthcare expenses. Like a savings account, you can only withdraw funds that are in the account.

  • Benefit cards are the first 3 free; after that, $5 each
  • 24/7 Account Mentors

For those enrolled in the HSA with BlueOption 05192/05193, Premier Radiology provides an annual contribution of $250 on your behalf.

Maximum contribution: Individual $3,900 / Family $8,050



HealthEquity Customer Service


Email: [email protected]