Health Savings Account: HealthEquity
Plan Features
Everything You’ll Need to Know
HealthEquity is available to employees enrolled in the BlueOption 05192/05193 medical plan.
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged savings account for qualified healthcare expenses. You own your HSA and can contribute to it with pre-tax payroll deductions based on your needs. Money withdrawn from an HSA isn’t taxed, provided you use it for qualified healthcare expenses. Like a savings account, you can only withdraw funds that are in the account.
- Benefit cards are the first 3 free; after that, $5 each
- 24/7 Account Mentors
For those enrolled in the HSA with BlueOption 05192/05193, Premier Radiology provides an annual contribution of $250 on your behalf.
Maximum contribution: Individual $3,900 / Family $8,050
Plan Documents
HealthEquity: (HSA) Health Savings Account
Standard Flyer
HealthEquity: HSA (Compatible with BlueOption 05192/05193)
Illustration Flyer
HealthEquity Member Site
HealthEquity Member Portal
Click Here to learn about the HSA through HealthEquity
Employee Video
Click Here to Engage360 through HealthEquity
Open Enrollment and Ongoing Education Video!